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Creative Methodology

We are living vessels of infinite experiences and the greatest gift is the power to share those stories with others.

Discovering an individual's inner impetus to move and be moved is the purpose behind my creative methodology. My practice is process based and requires a holistic awareness from my dancers. We work collaboratively through a process, which explores writing, dialogue, and tailored explorations that employ the senses of the body. I work with my dancers on a very deep level, unearthing their personal experiences, perspectives, and psyche to develop movement that becomes part of the work. Developing a movement vocabulary that is authentic to the mover plays a significant role in my creative practice and is the driving force of the collaboration. This is an intimate process that connects us to one another in a safe environment where sharing, listening and learning is taking place at all times. 


My process brings to surface the individual movement signatures that make each dancer unique. By doing this I hope to bring light to each individuals greater purpose behind why they move while paying homage to their unique perspectives, emotions, and intentions. These awakened spiritual bodies became embodied movers, and in return become authentic, vulnerable physical storytellers with the power to evoke something deep and meaningful from their audience. 

Ultimately I work in this way because I aim to create evocative work that imbeds itself within the consciousness of the witness (dancer & audience), inspiring inner dialogue and self-reflection long after the performance. 

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